RegistrationENGINE2019 is open to all students (with a level equivalent to a Master 2 Research), PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, engineers, technicians, researchers from academia and industry fields interested in materials science and electrochemistry for energy storage applications. Early-bird registration (extended up to February 8, 2019)
- Note 1. Due to the ESRF tour, ENGINE2019 is restricted to about 50 attendees on a "first come - fisrt served" basis. - Note 2. for PhD students in France the participation to ENGINE2019 may be rewarded by training credit. Please contact your doctoral school and also the organizing commitee for any questions or queries. - Note 3. The price does not include accomodation. For early registration the prices are divided into:
Registration after February 8th, 2019 For late registration the given price comprises:
Registration procedure The procedure is divided in two steps; i) pre-registration which needs to be validated by the organizing comittee, and ii) the completed registration and payment. The overall procedure is managed through the CNRS-supported platfrom entitled Azur Colloque. 1. Please pre-register via the following links either in French or English. 2. Wait for the validation of your pre-registration. 3. Complete your registration and proceed to the payment page (HERE). - Note: Registration is only valid after payment.
For any questions please send an email to the organizing commitee email address: engine2019@lepmi.grenoble-inp.fr |